The Obama administration has opened up a Pandora's Box of trouble for itself by moving ahead with an investigation of controversial interrogation practice of suspected terrorists that were used during George W. Bush's administration.
Attorney General Eric Holder named a special prosecutor to look into the allegations, but that won't be the finish of it. Washington insiders of both parties predict that congressional Democrats will now feel embolden to pursue their own investigations into what many Democrats consider torture, complete with hearings and angry recriminations.
"You know that Congress will want to throw its oar into the water," says a past adviser to a GOP president and that, in the end, many people will be appalled by the probes."Americans will think this an effort to embarrass or punish people who were trying to protect us from those who were trying to hurt us. This won't come out well." He and other analysts predict that the hard feelings over the "torture investigations" will pollute the debate in other areas, including healthcare, and undermine Obama's larger agenda.
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